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72. Giving What Was Given

Mark Andrew Johnson

72. Giving What Was Given 

 The future is past in the blink of an eye 

 Don't let your chances pass you by 

 We all can give in some small way 

 Little by little day by day 


Sometimes but not always, we all take things for granted including myself, but at the end of the day, we all must be thankful for we’ve got. Of course, there's always going to be certain people who have got more than others, but I’m not talking about purely financial gain, what I’m specifically getting at is humanity itself. 

All human lives were created because of love in my opinion, and by a higher spiritual being called God. I know some people will disbelieve in a creator of all things, and choose to believe in the big bang theory, in which scientists claim how the universe and humanity began. 

But whatever you believe in, try and enjoy your life, because none of us know how long we’ve got until our present life, or only life expires. 

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